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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Obama: America 'Not Better Off' Today than 4 Years Ago

I vividly recall the days leading up to the 2008 presidential election. In addition to the fact that I was engaged in a "fight to the death" Congressional race against 10-term incumbent Alcee Hastings, there was also a growing sentiment that a changing of the guard was fast approaching at the White House. The Obama campaign captured this sentiment in a short but effective campaign slogan: "Hope and Change." Only time would tell whether Obama could prove to be America's knight in shining armor... or our court jester.

Wind the clock forward as we enter the 2012 election cycle, and Obama now readily admits "America [is] 'Not Better Off' Today than Four Years Ago." My first reaction is to respond with "no duh." My more measured response questions the loss of the much ballyhooed "Hope and Change" that we heard of in 2008. Could it all really be George Bush's fault as Obama has repeatedly stated? The answer is of course not.

The blame for the lack of winds propelling Obama to re-election rests squarely on Obama. At his core, he is not a consensus builder. For those who argue that Obama's efforts to build unity have been thwarted, I counter with acknowledgement that true consensus builders keep at it until consensus is built. They do not retreat at the first sign of resistance and then smugly blame their predecessor(s).

As further proof that Obama is now getting the medicine that he deserves, the constitutionality of his Health Care law is on the Supreme Court's radar. Rather than choosing to have a consensus building dialogue from the onset of Health Care reform, this administration chose to ram this bill through Congress at 3 am during the holiday season. Again, a little outreach (and bipartisan perseverance) would have gone a long way towards helping Obama keep his "Hope and Change" campaign promises.

This administration's ability to alienate people in a routine and flippant manner is both baffling and epic. From his recent run-ins with the Congressional Black Congress, to his financial support for Solyndra, to his incoherent dabbling in Israeli matters, Obama seems hell-bent on exerting the power of the Oval Office on everything except the one thing America needs at this time: A Strong Economy.

As the election field is taking shape for 2012, I "Hope" our elected leadership will "Change" for the better. America's future is at stake.

United We Stand: Let’s Heal America!


Marion D. Thorpe, Jr. MD, MPH

Chief Medical Officer (former)
Agency for Health Care Administration
State of Florida

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